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Cappucino is a popular Italian drink. It's name came from robe color of Capuchin friars, which is light or darkish brown with a white hood. Italians only take cappuccino during breakfast and on night outs. In other parts of the world, people take cappuccino anytime of the day. Moringa, also known as the Miracle tree, is amulti-purpose plant, as the leaves, pods, fruits, flowers, roots and bark of the tree can be utilized.

INGREDIENTS: Cappuccino, Agaricus Blazei Murill, Calcium Carbonate, Gingko Biloba, Guyabano Powder, Mangosteen, Moringa Powder, Omega 3 & Tongkat Ali

Key Ingredients and Benefits :
✔ Agaricus Blazei Murill as anti cancer properties
✔ Calcium Carbonate good for the bones
✔ Gingko Biloba as memory enhancer
✔ Guyabano Powder fight cancer
✔Moringa Powder fight any illnes and infections
✔ Omega 3 good for the heart
✔ Tongkat ali may boost male fertility, relieve stress, and improve body composition

DIRECTION: Empty one sachet of 1st Health Cappuccino with Guyabano & Moringa in a cup of hot water. Stir well and enjoy. Take 2 to 3 cups daily for ahealthy and vigorous life.

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    21g x 20 sachet

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